Thankful for this Indy City
I can’t think of a better day or a better way to make the official announcement:
I’m putting the NW back in ariesartnw.com!
This Thanksgiving is our 5th one in Indianapolis and we’ve decided it’s our last one, too!
I couldn’t be more thankful as it’s a decision we’ve been working to make for some time now, having known we didn’t want to be here for, forever. 3-4 years was the initial hope and June of this year marked 4 years for us.
We’ve been working to get things aligned to make this happen sooner than later but had no idea it would come about this quickly!
One thing I’ve learned through this process, from the initial move 4.5 years ago up until now: Life has a funny way of making things happen for us that we can’t seem to make happen for ourselves.
This is one of my biggest motivators for giving up my once insane ways of over planning and organizing, and now instead I “ride the wave of life” or “train” as you’ll often hear me say.
Doing so has been nothing but rewarding for me so far, so when life starts to move before I’m ready I now force myself to become flexible like water, so I can easily flow through the bends ahead. “Hang tight and keep your head down”, that’s what I always tell myself at least.
Just focus on what’s most important to me today, today. The rest will come when it’s meant to. So far, it has.
Find a little more about some recent life happenings that encouraged this choice to move along a little faster in my last blog post here.
When I returned from my work out West earlier this year, I commented in this blog post that it had me rethinking things for Aries Art in the year ahead. I hadn’t fully envisioned this, though!
I will say: it makes all of what I had planned and hoped to do, actually possible now!
We’re continuing to work out the personal details surrounding the what’s and the how’s and the exact where’s but we do know we’ll be leaving January, and will be working to find jobs that allow us to make home somewhere along the western part of the Columbia River (Portland Metro Area).
I’ve been blessed to spend the last four and half years here in Indy focused on Aries Art. Not only honing in on my craft and perfecting my abilities but learning all facets of running a small business. I’ve mastered managing multiple social media platforms, ecommerce sites and websites during this time, too.
The ultimate goal is to always be able to focus on my art as often as life allows however, I’d love to find something back home that allows me to utilize my skills in doing what I love! Whether that be a permanent social media manager position OR freelance support will all depend on the opportunities I find! If you hear or know of anything, let me know!
I’m also looking to book events, exhibits and painting parties in the Portland Metro area for 2019!
I can’t say thanks enough to the city of Indianapolis for showing their Hoosier Hospitality not only to Aries Art but to Mike and I personally. We made family here both in the art community and personally, and it’s especially exciting to know I have a reason to return! Although I feel I outgrew the size and pace of the local art scene faster than I expected, I will forever be thankful as it allowed me the time to truly ease in at a comfortable speed. It’s not an overly saturated art scene which made it especially encouraging for someone just starting out like myself. I could not have done this without the help and support of the locals and hope to exhibit my art here again, soon!
I’ll be posting more in the coming weeks about some of the local artists, businesses and organizations that helped me progress locally through the years.
I’m still working on a handful of things both before I leave Indy, and once I return out West, in addition to the work I aim to do as a Goddess Guide with the Glowing Goddess Getaway (formerly Ganja Goddess Getaway- New name, same retreat).
Subscribe to my blog for updates on what’s to come, as they’re posted!
I only have a couple more events in Indy before I go! This means your last chance to shop/view in person for who knows how long!
This is your last chance to book a private painting party in Indy with me!
This is also the last chance to save on shipping in Indy, when ordering online.
If you aren’t already, subscribe to my website for updates on all the opportunities to shop and save this holiday weekend! With the move coming up I’m now looking to purge!
I’ll continue to keep you updated here as we make this exciting transition in life and in business!
Thanks for reading!
Much love,