I’m reaching for the stars this year!
Family events require me to be back in the Portland-Metro area for the entire month of May and while I’m lucky enough to be able to take my work on the road with me, I have a lot of fundraising to do in order to make this actually happen!!!
I’ve been working to find local art-jobs for while I’m there (murals, large art print decal/wall paper installs, private painting parties, etc.) and also have been accepted to showcase my art at a couple different places around the area. This is in addition to securing my VERY FIRST Portland exhibit! I’m working on planning a fun & eventful opening reception for that exhibit and am really looking forward to sharing this experience with all my friends & family, finally, as well as all my fans in the area!!
Subscribe to my website for updates when event details & locations are posted! Feel free to share this post, too- help me spread the word! Email me at ariesartnw@gmail.com to discuss booking!
I recently rolled out a new Perks Package Program, somewhat like a Patreon or Go-Fund-Me, as a way for me to raise money for specific goals and projects. Your investments will greatly help me in making this first multi-city art tour a success!
Your donations get you majorly discounted art, merch. and much more, too!!
All of my previous fund-raising projects (ie Coloring Packs) have since been merged in to the Perks Package Program and are just one of the MANY things you’ll have exclusive access to as a sponsor of Aries Art!
It’s only $25.00 to sign up and that comes with 10 misc. merch. items up-front for an average of a $10 savings + No monthly commitment! Once you’ve purchased your enrollment package you’re then enrolled to receive access to all sorts of savings and goodies ea. month and in exchange for your continued contributions towards my goals. Monthly sponsor packages will start at $1!!!!
Subscribe to my blog here for more updates like this.
Thanks always for reading and for your consideration!
Much love,