Falling Forward
I don’t know about you, but this year has zoomed by faster than any other year before. I know we all say the years go by faster the older you get, but I can only hope it’s not an indication of what’s to come, and rather a reflection of life at this time.
Life at this time has kept me from posting to my blog for over a month now but it’s also kept me focused on art and merchandising along with planning and preparing for 2019. Which is already upon us!
Here’s a little catch up on what I’ve been up to this Fall as it rushes us forward in to the new year, along with some details about what I’ve got coming up!
Before heading off to the Ganja Goddess Getaway (now the Glowing Goddess Getaway) this last August, I added a quick-draw digital character art option to my commission offerings but only to those in my Perks Package Program AND those who were at the getaway.
These are digital character pieces that are rendered as closely to the picture submitted as possible, versus an entirely custom digital character piece made to resemble someone. I started off by practicing with a couple different pictures submitted by ladies I selected specifically for their work within the cannabis industry be it creatively or otherwise.
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I wanted to create this package offering not only to be able to keep the pricing of something like this as low as possible (time=money) but also to be able to offer an option functional for businesses use, too – be it marketing & branding OR on actual apparel or merchandise. I formatted the packages as so, allowing the collector to choose for their needs and also allowing me to offer the addition of rights to reproduce later should they wish!
Initially I offered these packages at a fraction of the market rate and again, only to those in my Perks Package Program AND those who were at the getaway. This was with focus being on my need to gain more practice before rolling it out publicly AND with the focus being a fundraiser to upgrade my digital drawing device!
Within a month and half of starting the fundraising process I received enough commissioned packages of this nature to keep me busy through the years end AND to upgrade my device!!!
The best part about these packages is that only 50% is due upfront. While it took me some time to fill my schedule with enough proceeds received to invest in to the device, I now also have guaranteed income through the rest of the year as they pay off the remaining balances as I complete them.
Here are some of the pieces I’ve completed since:
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These packages have since been released to the public, and with confidence thanks to those who helped me work to do so! I only accept a small number of custom projects each year and next years openings are already almost full so don’t wait to submit your requests! You’ll find more details and the request form here.
In addition to working my way through the list of these quick-draw’s, I’m still juggling a handful of other projects.
I intentionally arrange my schedule to be able to bounce between multiple projects at once, not only so I can be more productive but also to prevent me from growing bored or stagnant with a project.
This includes the hand painted Blazy Susan and other custom character pieces I’ve been working on along with a handful of personal projects! You can follow more from the studio and see what I’m working on daily on my Instagram account. Even if you aren’t on Instagram, you can view my feed live here on the home page of my website!
At the end of September I hosted a private home studio painting party with invites only going out to those in my Perks Package Program. Click here to see pictures from the event and if you aren’t enrolled in this program yet, click here to do so because you’re surely missing out in more ways than one!
In September I also hosted an online art auction exclusive to those enrolled. Through the auction I not only sold a handful of hand painted product packages but also original paintings and more and it was through this I found homes for all of the individual Creatch character portrait paintings! The proceeds from this auction helped cover the final balances needed to upgrade my digital drawing device, too!
Last month I rolled out a new Brand Ambassador/Influencer program for Aries Art called the Sprinkle Team. I opened applications with requirements for consideration, and exclusively to those enrolled in to my Perks Package Program. Sprinkle Team apps were open for a couple weeks and I also gained a handful of new Sponsors of the PPP through this promotion, those specifically interested in being a part of the team! Apps recently closed and I selected 2 people from the submissions to be added to the team at this time. I can’t wait to see what we create together! Apps will open again I’m sure but always only to those enrolled in to my Perks Package Program– just another reason for you to enroll now!
It’s through the monthly investments and contributions of those in my Perks Package Program that help fund merchandise releases, event opportunities and more (which is why they get the super offers and opportunities). Thanks to them I’ve also released a handful of new stickers, magnets, buttons and more over the last couple months. Includes new designs in my collection of Crass Cards and the newly released line of engraved Smoking Accessories! Click here to shop.
I continue to work on digital art in other facets beyond characters and creating beautiful digital paintings, too. These last couple months brought the opportunity to create a custom digital logo for a friends business, and I started advertising my ability to create full business branding art packs that include anything and everything you’d need for all social media platforms. This includes the currently popular story highlights icons for Instagram. Here’s the simple drawings I created for my own page as the example, made to match my logo AND I ended up using them here on my website, too! Click here to submit a commission request form to be considered as one of my commissioned projects for 2019!
Going on tour this last Spring and then taking on additional jobs out West has thwarted my ability to be as involved here in the Indianapolis Art Scene as I have been in years past. I’ve had to be selective about what I get involved with on account of funds and budgeting. I also have a lot of my cannabis art excluded from the opportunities I am accepted to, so these things combined kept me focused on my web presence more than my public presence, even locally.
I was, however; accepted to a one-night exhibit organized by the Women of Indianapolis Arts earlier this month.
“Together We Can” included 50 art pieces by 50 Hoosier female artists and it was an honor to have been a part of!
One things for sure, my 2018 has been filled with art shows and exhibits focused on and organized by some AMAZING female artists and entrepreneurs!
I do have a Small Business Saturday Pop-Up Shopping event I’m participating in this weekend AND I’ve also been invited back to the Monster Drawing Rally this year- both in Indianapolis. Click here for my schedule of upcoming events!
There’s also been a lot happening for me personally this year, from decisions on how to operate Aries Art going forward to whether staying in Indiana is right for our family beyond this year. My health has been a challenge for me this year, both physically and mentally, and due to things entirely out of my control none the less. Most recently our cat Sybil was diagnosed with stage 1 Kidney Disease and Diabetes. The latter requiring a structured schedule of shots and all requiring structured budget and beyond our current means. I’ll post more about what’s ahead for me here, soon!
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This is not the best way to stay updated on the day to day happenings of Aries Art, sales or events- subscribe to my website to receive updates on it all!
Thanks for reading!
Much love,