Off we go!
2018 is flying by and it’s already time to start packing up the art studio, gallery/inventory, and my personal stuff to hit the road west for the Best Coast Art Tour!
After weighing out all my options for transporting artworks I decided to do the drive back.
I drove from Washington to Indiana when we moved here and had the company of my boyfriends Mom, who has generously offered to fly out and do this drive back with me! We are both really looking forward to it. When we drove here we had my cat Sybil with us, this trip back will be MUCH MORE relaxing.
My guy, Mike, is going to be flying to Washington towards the end of my time there to join me for some of the family functions and then we will be driving back to Indiana together early June. Total drive time is about 35 hours which we will spread out over the course of a couple days.
Subscribe to my blog here for updates! I’ll be posting as often as time allows while away!
I’ll be dropping a ton of prints, merch. and maybe even some originals during this trip- FREE to whomever finds them between here, there and all over!
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If you don’t already follow me on Instagram, I’ll be posting updates on drops there to my stories and hashtags! Follow along there to see if anythings been dropped near you!
In addition to the series of art shows, painting parties and family affairs spanning throughout May, I also aim to dedicate time towards making new artworks!
I have spent the last few months practicing with illustration mediums that will be easy to pack along and allow me to create on the go!
Those enrolled in to my Perks Package Program will have exclusive access to any new artworks created in May, both originals AND prints & merch., and before they’re made available publicly. ALWAYS at a MAJOR DISCOUNT!
May’s package’s have also been formulated to keep me fed and to keep me grinding out new art while on tour, with package investments going directly towards the expenses associated with organizing this trip, the art shows, etc. In exchange you’ll get all sorts of awesome goodies, exclusive offers, super savings AND some extra awesome offers for locals there, too! Like free goodies just for coming out to my events! Click here for more details and thanks always for considering!
Any new artworks & merchandise items released during this time will be uploaded to my website when I return to the office in June. Subscribe to my website for updates as soon as new items are available online!
I will do my best to continue keeping you updated from the road, posting pictures and videos as often as time allows! If you haven’t yet, subscribe to my blog here for more updates!
Thanks always for reading!
Much Love,